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GEAR UP for Success: Design Proposal Due January 24,2014

It was great meeting all those that could make it out to the Canstruction Kickoff Meeting yesterday afternoon. For those that could not make it - no worries - this site and your mentors will get you prepared!

As everyone knows the design proposal is due on January 24th so now is the time to plan.

Here are some keys to success:

  1. Come up with a theme. As a team, decide what you want the theme to be for your school. Some places to look are popular movies or TV shows, current events, calendar holidays, or some sort of philanthropy.

  2. Next, brainstorm what you will design and build. Activity: everyone in the team should write an idea on an index card and put them in a pile. Remember as the team goes through them that there are no bad ideas!!!!

  3. Select your structure while keeping in mind that there are rules that your team should follow. Notice that not all of the rule violations will give you a penalty, but bending the rules will result in a lower score (see the PowerPoint uploaded from the Kickoff meeting). Sometimes simplicity is best because you want to have a structure that is supported only by cans and one that uses labels to add in design.

  4. Sketch the design on grid paper. Use the squares to represent cans and begin to design the structure.


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